I saw this done on a few other blogs recently and thought it was really fun. Since I have so many beautiful friends who are expecting babies soon, I thought I would compile my own list of must haves for anyone with a new baby.
1.) Fisher-Price Ocean Wonders Soothe & Glow Seahorse

I read about this little guy numerous times on TheBump boards. Several moms declared it to be a miracle toy, which calms babies instantly. I was skeptical, but after trying several other "soother" toys, I decided to give it a shot. Guess what - it's a miracle toy, which calms Ellie instantly. She loves it! It mesmerizes her until she drifts off to sleep. Best $13.99 I ever spent. I purchased it at Toys 'R Us, but it is also available at Walmart, Amazon.com and various other retailers.
2.) Baby Bliss Gripe Water

The appropriately named Gripe Water is a miracle elixir. Ellie gets hard (and what I can only assume are painful) hiccups at least once a day. 1/2 tsp of this fantastic stuff takes them away immediately. It is also helpful for gas and colic, although I find Mylicon drops work better for gas. I purchased this at Ozark Natural Foods, but it can be found at Target, with the herbal supplements.
3.) Safety 1st Bottle Medicine Dispenser

We use this to administer the Gripe Water, and Ellie has no problem taking her medicine with this little gem. Plus, it's like all of $2. Seriously, get one.
4. Kiddopotomous/Summer Infant Swaddle Me

I had a lot of trouble getting the hang of swaddling with a receiving blanket, so these little babies were a dream. It's basically a pouch with two flaps - put baby in the pouch and fold the flaps over. Easy as that. I've seen them in fleece, flannel, and cotton - we have two fleece and a cotton. Now that Ellie is older she doesn't like having her arms in the swaddle anymore, so I just wrap it underneath her arms and it keeps her warm at night without the use of a potentially hazardous loose blanket. They run between $6-$10, and I've seen them at Walmart, Target, and Toys 'R' Us (which seems to have the best selection). Kiddopotomous/Summer Infant also has several other products (sleep sacks, swaddle squares, etc) that are great for an older baby.
5.) Tucks Witch Hazel Pads

Ladies, if you have an episiotomy, these are your best friend. I recommend stocking up.
6.) Leading Lady Nursing Tanks

These are my favorite tanks. Comfortable and great to sleep in, these tanks from JCPenney are perfect for middle-of-the-night nursing. JCPenney.com lists these at $32, but I only paid $21 in store.
7. GoldBug 2-in-1 Infant Head Support

The head support that came with Ellie's car seat was WAY too big for her, so I spent our first few car rides in the back seat with her, holding her little head in place to keep it from flopping around. This was a lifesaver. It keeps her head in place while keeping her comfortable in her seat at the same time. When she outgrows the inner white support, at can be removed the outer support can be used on its own. Around $12 at Walmart.
That's my list! Does anyone have any suggestions on things I should be on the look out for?